Representation Series
The idea of the representation series is to demonstrate an understanding of architectural design thinking concepts and craft in architectural model making. The models in this series employ a variety of fabrication techniques along with applying an ordering system principle to each iteration. Models are composed using analog and/or digital model making techniques. The fabrication techniques, principles, and materials were all chosen independently.

Datum & Grade
Any level surface, line, or point used as a reference for the positioning or arrangement of elements in composition - To arrange in a scale or series
4”x4”x4” Cube
Laser-cut Baltic birch plywood

Radial & Array
Organized around a central point from which linear organization extends in a radial manner - To display or arrange in a particular way
4”x4”x4” Cube
Laser-cut Baltic birch plywood

Stack & Join
To build up or laminate multiple layers - To connect or bring elements together
4”x3”x1½” Box
Laser-cut Baltic birch plywood & Poplar dowel

Notch & Bend
Indentation or incision on an edge or surface - Shape or force into a curve or angle
4”x3”x1½” Box
Laser-cut Baltic birch plywood

Cut & Linear
To divide, sever, or detach as with a blade - Linear sequence of repetitive elements
4”x3”x1½” Box
Hand-cut walnut, white oak, and mahogany

Stack & Rotate
To build up or laminate multiple layers - To move or cause to move in a circle around an axis or center
4½” Egg
Laser-cut single wall corrugated cardboard with an embedded clock movement mechanism

Stack & Nest
To build up or laminate multiple layers - To fit an object or objects inside a larger one
4½” Egg
Laser-cut single wall corrugated cardboard with LED light